About Us

Veteran Support Network is here to support anyone who has served in the British Armed Forces and any organisations that work with the veteran community. With years of lived experience, and a passion for helping others and we fully understand the challenges adjusting to civilian life can bring. But we can face them together. The Veterans Support Network is created by veterans, for veterans.

We are fully focussed on veteran welfare and provide a number of pathways to provide tailored support to the veteran community in North Staffordshire These include art therapy, mental health support, social activities, practical support.

Our Vision

We will enhance and support the veteran community in Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire, providing practical and emotional support, helping them to adjust to civilian life following military service. Working collaboratively with local charities, voluntary groups, health care providers, and  government we will reduce social isolation and loneliness, and help to prevent veteran suicide, and improve veterans’ physical and mental health.

No one gets left behind in the military and that doesn’t change when you leave. There are no boundaries to what we will do and who we will work with, and we will adjust care and support where we need to.